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Our organization operates a state-of-the-art offshoring center located in New Delhi, India, equipped with an uninterrupted power supply to ensure seamless operations. We prioritize security and have established a robust setup that includes the latest technology in PCs and laptops.

We provide our teams with access to the most current versions of leading accounting and tax software, including QuickBooks, Yardi, Sage Intacct, and MYOB, which facilitates efficient and accurate financial management and learning. Our IT infrastructure is supported by a 100 MBPS leased line for dedicated bandwidth, ensuring 24/7 online connectivity.

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    Physical Infrastructure

    In today’s global business environment, establishing robust physical infrastructure is crucial for operational success. Our state-of-the-art offshoring center in New Delhi, India, exemplifies this approach by offering a blend of advanced technology, security, and uninterrupted services.

    Offshoring Center Location

    The center is located in New Delhi, India.

    Power Supply

    Uninterrupted power supply (UPS backup) is available.

    Security Setup

    Proper security setup is in place.

    Infrastructure Setup

    Comprehensive infrastructure setup is maintained.

    Hardware Infrastructure

    In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, it is imperative for organizations to equip themselves with advanced hardware infrastructure to stay competitive and secure. The foundation of a robust IT environment includes the deployment of PCs and laptops that are integrated with the latest technological configurations. These devices are essential for handling the demanding processing needs of modern applications and for supporting high-speed data analytics.

    Latest Technology Configuration

    PCs and laptops should be equipped with the most current technology to ensure efficient and advanced performance.

    Secured Data Access

    Access to data should be secured through mechanisms that allow only authorized individuals to retrieve information.

    Authorized Access

    Implementing systems that require user authentication ensures that only approved personnel can access sensitive data.

    Hardware Upgrades

    Regular updates to hardware components are essential to maintain compatibility with new software and technologies.

    Software Infrastructure

    Access to current versions of specialized accounting and tax software such as QuickBooks, Yardi, Sage Intacct, MYOB, and Sage is fundamental. These tools offer comprehensive solutions for financial management, enabling businesses to streamline their processes and improve accuracy in financial reporting. Learning and adapting to these platforms ensures that businesses can stay compliant with financial regulations and manage their finances more effectively.

    Access to Accounting and Tax Software

    Includes current versions of software like QuickBooks, Yardi, Sage Intacct, MYOB, and Sage for financial management and reporting.

    Dedicated Bandwidth

    Utilizes a 100 MBPS leased line to ensure continuous online connectivity, crucial for operations requiring constant internet access.

    High Speed Broadband Connections

    Provides additional redundancy to the primary internet service to minimize downtime and enhance reliability.

    Continuous Learning Opportunities

    Emphasizes the importance of learning, likely through ongoing access to educational resources and updated software training.